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Questions about electrosmog and our products

Can the reduction in radiation be measured?

  • The direct reduction of radiation is currently not scientifically verifiable
  • The best indicator is your personal feeling. It should generally feel more harmonious, freer, more powerful, more alive through the use of the products
  • The effects can be indirectly demonstrated by measurements on the human body

Do the objects divert harmful influences to other living beings?

  • There is no detour to other living beings
  • Environmental influences are harmonized and the body’s own energy field is stimulated. This makes the person generally more resistant to all influences

How do I find out if the product is good for me?

  • The positive effect of our products is guaranteed for all living beings!
  • Positive feeling when viewing the product in the web store
  • Kinesiological testing (e.g. as a printout of a test by a trusted kinesiologist)
  • A kinesiologyself-test also helps quickly and easily here

Using the product does not immediately make you feel better / lighter. What does this mean?

  • The influence is unusual for the body and personal energy field.
  • The result is below the current perception threshold
  • The contact duration can be varied (shorter / longer)
  • If you feel unfamiliar, it helps to reduce the duration of contact in the first step and then gradually increase it again

How do I maintain the objects correctly?

  • See note on individual product description
  • Application of general care instructions, e.g. for jewelry

How does the placebo effect work?

  • All thoughts and products that are used with the expectation of positive effects have a significantly higher potential positive effect. See also the power of positive thoughts, use of mental training, law of attraction…
  • Any negative expectation of harmful effects has exactly the opposite effect, the so-called nocebo effect. For this reason, hardly any possible harmful effects are discussed on these pages. The aim is only to provide individual positive support through the products, including the attitude that is passed on through the products

Do the objects eliminate all harmful influences?

  • No, a complete reduction is not possible / planned. Radiation has always been present in nature. Some of these are even necessary or useful for life.

Can the products accept external energies?

  • The products are designed in such a way that they do not absorb other energies

How long is the effectiveness / shelf life of the products?

  • All products are designed with high-quality construction and materials to ensure a long service life
  • The information fields are permanently bound to the product and have an unlimited service life
  • A perceived “decrease” in the intensity of the products over time is due to the increase in personal energy levels. This may make it feel weaker, but it is an indicator that your energy level has increased.

Are there any other supportive measures I can take to protect myself?

  • It is generally very helpful to eliminate/reduce harmful influences during sleep. By getting enough undisturbed sleep, the body can restore the natural balance of much of what has affected it throughout the day.
  • Deactivation of radiation sources / functions when not required. E.g. switch off Bluetooth, W-LAN, use flight mode on smartphones, …

How are the information fields produced / programmed?

  • Based on very extensive knowledge from many cultures and subject areas, coupled with current knowledge from quantum physics, highly complex and multi-layered dynamic information fields have been created.
  • All energies/information originally present on all products are neutralized/deleted before the actual reprogramming.
  • The actual programming is done in several ways, in several instances and graded degrees of intensity and has been developed, tested, refined and optimized over several years.
  • Once programming is complete, the effectiveness and intensity are tested. In principle, this is not necessary due to the sophisticated process, but serves to ensure exclusive and high quality.

Why is no chain offered for pendants?

  • Individual preferences are so wide-ranging that there should be a huge variety on offer here. Please switch to known alternatives. A material similar to the material of the pendant is recommended for metals, or straps made of leather, silicone or cotton.

We hope that we have answered all the important questions with suitable answers to make them easier to understand.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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